Viacidity, 388. Visual Perception, 635. Volition, 61, 199. Void, 495, 644 Vyāvrtti,, 206. Vyadi, 478.
Valid Cognition, 720. Variegated character, 223, 500, 520. Vaubandhu, 224. Vāteiputriya's Doctrine of Soul, 217,
228. Vascina, 390. Verr, 119. Verbal Expression, 53, 414, 614.
Cognition, 278, 511, 597 Verb to be ; 485. Verbal Casuistry, 578. Vega, 388. Velocity, 388. Verbs, 523. Pijnanuddin, 495. Vindhyaväsin, 37, 713, 714. Vindhya Mountain, 114, 161, 377,
435. Vipaka, 706, 707. Vipina, 584. Visibility, 686, 698, 699. Vishesatodraga, 711, 714 Vişnu, 22, 138. Visual Cognition, 77, 109, 110, 491,
536, 558. Visual Perception, 599, 661, 695. Vision of the Body of Being, 189. Vishēscu, 446. Vishesanu, 626.
White Horse, 633. Wheel of Causation, I, 2, 14, 17, 19.
20, 21, 22, 23, Whirling Fire-brand, 632. Words, 606, 616, 685. Word-sound-origin of the World
118. Word-highest, 118.
-Essence of, 118.
-122, 518, 538, 569. ,, -Import of, 466. Word and Indicative, 503. World-Effect of Sound, 131. Wrong Cognition, 278, 717, 721.
Yarns, 326. Yellow Conchshell, 661. Yoga, 25, 61, 216. Yogāchard, 657. Yoga-sena, 264. Yogin, 129.