only one, the Rudimentary Substances being only five, the Sense-organs being only eleven, the Gross Substances being only five. Hence, through Inforence, we prove it that Primordial Matter does exist, and it produces the Manifest, which is finite. If Primorelial Matter were not there, then all this Manifest would not be finite (would be without any definite size).
(2) For the following reason also, Primordial Matter must be thereBecause the various Products are found to be homogeneous. As a inatter of fact, whenever something is found to belong to a certain genus, it is bound to have emanated from a Cause consisting of that Cenus; for instance, when things like the Jar and the Baucer are found to belong to the Genus Clay', they are the products of the Cause consisting of Clay. The Manifest in question is found to be homogeneous with-permeated by—such Genuses (Generic entities) as Pleasure, Pain' and 'Delusion':-how 1-because of its being found to be the product of Composure. Distress and Dejection. Thus Composure, Buoyaney, Attachment, Delight and Affection are the products of the Sattex-Attribute (Harmony); as a matter of fact, Composure (Happiness) is actually spoken of as Sattva (Harmony); similarly Irritation, Emaciation, Piercing Pain, Numbness, Anxiety, Calamity, and Iinpetuosity are products of the Rajas-Auribute (Energy); and Pain is spoken of as 'Energy:
-Depression, Concealment, Despondency, Disgust and Lethargy are the products of the Tamas Attribute (Inertia); and Inertin is spoken as * Delusion! AU this-Composure, Irritation and Dejection is found to be the Product of Cosmie Intelligence and the rest (constituting the Mani. fest'); and from this it is inforred that these are only particular phases of
Pleasure, Pain' and Dehision' (as representing the three Attributes of Satta, Rajas and Tamas, respectively). And from the fact of their being products of Pleasure', etc. it follows that they are homogeneous with * Pleasure, etc.; and from this "homogeneity', it also follows that they have emanated from a Source (Cause) which is coustituted of these (Pleasure. etc.): this having been established, it also follows by implication that this Source or Cause tuntust be Primordial Jalter. Thus it is established that Pri. mordial Matter exists--by the fact that the diverse products are found to be homogeneo119.
(3) For the following reason also, Primordial latter must exist :Because activity is due to efficiency in the ordinary world, when a man takes up an activity, it is only when he has the efficiency (or capacity) for it; for instance, tha Wenver taking up the work of cloth-weaving. By this we infer that Primordial Matter has the officiency (or Capacity) by virtue of which it produces the Manifest';--this efficiency (or Capncity) cannot be there without a substratum ; hence we conclude that there is Primordial Matter wherein the said efficiency subsists.
(4) For the following reason also Primordial Matter must exist :Because there is distinction between Cause and Effect. In this world, it is found that there is distinction between Cause and Effect; e.g. the Clay is the Cause, the Jar is the Effect; and this Effect has a character entirely different from that of the Cause ; e.g. the Jar has the capacity to contain Honey. Water and Milk, while Clay las no such capacity. Similarly seeing the Effect, in the shape of the Manifest' in question, we infer that there is