Sixteen, out of five. issue the five Gross Substances. Here the term
Mahān', 'Great Principle', stands for Buddhi, the Cosmic Intelligence ; this Cosmic Intelligence functions in the form of snch conception or determination of things as 'this is a jar', this a piece of cloth'.-The I-principle functions in the form of such notions as I am handsome', 'I am presentable':--The Mind functions in the form of Reflection; for instance, a boy happens to hear that food is to be had in another village, and this gives rise to his reflection in the form 'I shall go there, I wonder if there would be curds and inolasses or curds only'; that which functions thus as Reflection is the Mind. Such is to be understood the distinction among Cosmic Intelligence, I-principle and Mind. The rost (of Ishvarakrina's Kārika) is easily intelligible.
These entities, Cosmic Intelligence and the rest, along with Primordial Matter and the Spirit make up the twenty-five Principles (or Realities, Real Entities) of these philosophers. To this end, it has been declared that
One who knows tlio twenty-five Principles,-be he addicted to any life-stage, being either a Hormit (wearing knotted loeks), or a Wandering Mendicant (with shaven head), or a Householder (wearing the top-knot).-becomes liber. ated; there is no doubt on this point'.
All these various Products evolving out of Primordial Mattor are not entirely distinct from their Cause.-as are the Products postulated by the Baruldhrs ;-they are in fact, of the saine essence; ie, they have their essence in that stue-Primordial Matter; mich is the analysis of the compound
tadrüpan' in the Text). The products are of the same essence as Primordial Matter, in the sense that they are all made up of the Three Attributes. For instance, in the ordinary world, it is found that the Product is of the same essence as the Cause; eg, the cloth woven out of black yarns is black, and that woven out of white yarns is white. And Prinordial Mattor is made up of the Three Attributes and all that is manifested, in the form of Cosmic Intelligence, I-principle, Rudimentary Substances, Sonse-organs and Gross Substance, is also found to be made up of the Three Attributes, hence it is that all this latter is of the same essence as Primordial Matter. Sinilarly, Primordial Matter is not distinguishable, that is to say, it cannot be distinguished that these are the Three Attributes, Harmony and the rest (constituting the Unmanifest Primordial Mattor), and these are the Cosmic Intelligence and the rest constituting the Manifest'; in fact, the notion always is that 'the Attributes are the Manifest, and the Manifest is the Attributes':-Further, both these, the Manifest and the Unmanifest
-aro Objective, because they have the character of objects of enjoyment (experience, for the Spirit).-Both again are common, -to all Spirits ; just as the Malla-dūsi (the Slave-girl who is the common property of several men).-It is also insentient, as it cannot feel pleasure or pain or delusion.
-It is productive; that is, Primordial Matter is productive of Cosmic Intelligence, Cosmic Intelligence produces the I-principle, the I-principle produces the Rudimentary Substances and the Eleven Sense-organs; and the Rudi. mentary Substances produce the Gross Substances.-Thus all these various Products evolve, all having the same essence as Primordial Matter, inasmuch as they also are constituted by the Three Attributes (are nondistinguishable, objective, common, insontient and productive). This has