lot of fantastic notions, like the idea of Primordial Matter being the cause of things and so forth.
Question-" Has this doctrine been realised by othor teachers also, -like lieu, Shiva, Hiranyagarbha and the rest ?"
Answer-Not so; it has not been apprehended by others; as a matter of fuct, all other philosophical systems lay stress upon wrong notions of the Soul, and it is the Blessed Lord alone on whom this enlightenmont has dawned. This is what the Text means. This the Author will explain in the course of all the sections of his work.-(4)
Question—"Was this doctrine of the Intervolved Wheel of Cauration apprehended by the Blessed Lord by Himself and then promulgated ? Or did he promulgate it on the basis of the Veda which is regarded by others as revealed (not the work of any Person) ?-As declared by the followers of Jaimini
This as regards things that are beyond the reach of the Senses, there is no Person who has seen them directly; hence that man alone knows them rightly who knows them through the Eternal Word '."
The answer to this is-Not so; Sratantnshrudin ihsanga independently of any self-swfficient revelation (Text 5). The term Self-sufficient revelation stands for the Veda' whose anthority is said to be self-sufficient, that is the Elernal Word;- nisanja' is one who is not dependent upon, not depending upon it, i.e. seeing things directly by himself ;-the Lord Himself promulgated the Doctrine of the Intervolved Wheel of Causation. As a matter of fact, there is no sentence or assertion that has not emanated from a Person; as has been declared by the Blessed Lord-Those Great Sages, the Ananda. paurānas (Denizens of the Blissful Regions ?) are the authors of the Vedas and the promulgators of the Maniras. What the Author means is that he is going to explain this later on.-This points to the Section dealing with the Examination of the Self-sufficient Authority of the Revelations (contained under Chapter 19 of the Text).
Question—"For the Blessed Lord who liad attained all his own ends, what was the need for promulgating this Doctrine of the Interuolue Wheel of Causation ?"
neuer-With a view to bringing about the Welfare of the World (Text 5). Welfare of the World' is what is good for the world; this 'Good' consists in the destruction of all Afflictions and Tllusion, brought about by the duo comprehension of the Right Doctrine of the Intervolved Wheel of Causation; the desire to bring this about is what is meant by the view to bring about' ;-this is the cause that led to the promulgation of the said Doctrine.
Question-"How is it known that the Lord had the desire to bring about the welfare of the world ?"
Answer Supreme mercy having entered into His very 800.1 through long innumerable cycles' (Text 5). The compound is to be analysed thus:"He whose supreme meray-Mahādaya'-entered into His very essence, -(stmibhūta through long (analpaih) innumerable cycles (kalpūsar. khyayaih). This suprema mercy of the Blessed Lord is inierred from the