How can the attitude of the soul resulting from the fruition of the karma (Audayik bhav) be explained?
The bonded karma come in the fruition at some time in the future. If the substance (Dravya), area (Kshetra), time (Kal) and attitude of the karma (Bhav) are appropriate, then the fruition occurs in the karma. At the time of this fruition of the karma, the attitude of the soul is called audayika bhav.
What is called the attitude of the soul as his own natural disposition (Parinamik bhav)?
In this situation, the soul has an attitude (Bhav), which does not depend on cessation, annihilation, partial cessation, and partial annihilation of the karma nor the fruition of the karma. This is the natural attitude of the soul by himself.
How many types of attitude of the soul by cessation of the fruition of the karma are there (Aupshamik bhav)?
There are two types:
1. Attitude due to the true faith (Samyaktva). 2. Attitude due to the true conduct (Charitra).
How many types of attitude of the soul are there due to annihilation of the karma? (Kshayik bhav)?
There are nine types, as follow:
1. Annihilated true faith (Kshayik samyaktva). 2. Annihilated true conduct (Kshayik charitra). 3. Annihilated perception (Kshayik darshan). 4. Annihilated knowledge (Kshayik gnan). 5. Annihilated charity (Kshayik dan). 6. Annihilated gain (Kshayik labh). 7. Annihilated enjoyment (Kshayik bhog). 8. Annihilated re-enjoyment (Kshayik upbhog). 9. Annihilated vitality (Kshayik virya).