338. If the above is true, then does the auspicious yog become the cause for bad deed
inflow? Is this true?
The auspicious vibratory activity of the soul's space units (Shubh yog) is not the cause for the bad deed inflow. The reason is as follow. When the auspicious yog occurs in the soul, then at the same time, karma bondage occur. These karma have both types of bondage, the good deeds and bad deeds karma, but in this situation, the duration of intensity of the good deed karma is way too strong compared to that of the bad deed karma. The reverse is true for the inauspicious yog of the soul. In Tatvarthsutra, chapter six, sutra ten, it mentions the cause for knowledge obscuring and perception obscuring karma inflow. They are slander (Pradosh), concealment (Nihvav), envy (Matsarya), obstructivness (Antaraya), disregard (Ashadan), and condemnation (Upghat) of the scripture. The impression given here is as follow: According to the internal thought process of the soul, the duration and intensity of the bondage occur much more for a given particular type of karma. The mundane soul has karma bondage of all seven types all the time. Life determining karma bondage occurs only once in the lifetime. When there is inauspicious thought process of the soul (Ashubh bhav), then
• The duration (Sthiti) of all seven karma bondage increases, • The intensity (Anubhag-ras) of the bad deed karma increases, • The intensity of the good deed karma decreases.
When there is auspicious thought process in the soul (Shubh bhav), then
• The duration of all seven karma bondage decreases, • The intensity of the bad deed karma decreases, • The intensity of the good deed karma increases.
Various types of bad deed karma, including the knowledge obscuring karma, inflow and bondage occur up to the tenth spiritual stage of development (Tenth gunathanak). The auspicious thought process of the soul also occurs up to the tenth stage of spiritual development.
Therefore, with auspicious thought process of the soul, there is also some inflow and bondage of bad deed karma that occurs.
End of chapter #2.