270. What is collection of similar things' (varga)?
The karma atoms exist which may have the lowest intensity of certain attributes. The collection of such atoms is called varga. In addition certain karma atoms have the same 'indivisible units of degrees of increase' (avibhag pratichchheda) and are called varga.
271. What is 'indivisible units of degrees of increase' (avibhag pratichchheda)?
Since karma is comprised of infinite material particle atoms, with intuitive wisdom (Pragna), one establishes the atoms with an absolute minimal intensity of certain qualities. The final resulting smallest intensity of particle is called 'indivisible units of degrees of increase' (avibhag pratichchheda).
In this context, the word intensity (Shakti) is used. What is the meaning of this word?
Here the intensity means the intensity of the fruition capacity of karma.
273. What's the meaning of annihilation without fruition (Udayabhavi kshay)?
After bondage to the soul, karma remain in dormancy until they give fruition to the soul. But sometimes the karma disassociate from the soul without giving fruition. This is called annihilation without fruition.
274. What is the pulling upward of karma (Utkarshan)?
The increase in the intensity and duration of karma is called the pulling upward of karma.
275. What is the pushing downward of karma (Apkarshan)?
The decrease in the intensity and duration of karma is called the pushing downward of karma.
276. What is the modification of karma (Sankraman)?
Modification of karma in the same sub-group from one type to another is called modification of karma, for example, modification of pain feeling karma to pleasure feeling karma.