g. Bones, muscles, etc, formation (5)
• Adamantine joints and bones • Unbreakable joints and bones
Semi-unbreakable joints and bones • Riveted bones
• Loosely jointed bones h. Color (5) i. Smell (2) j. Taste (5) k. Touch (8) 1. Self-destructive m. Awkward movement n. Immobile o. Fine-body p. Non-developable power q. Non-impressive r. Notoriety s. Unpleasant body t. Displeasing personality u. Harsh voice v. Unsteady body W. Common body
245. How many good deed karma are there?
There are sixty eight:
From previous 148 total subtypes of karma cited, 100 bad deed karma are excluded, leaving 48 good deed karma to which are added 20 more types and subtypes of touch, taste, color and smell.
These 20 types are common within both bad deeds and good deed karma.