238. How many different types of complete destructive karma are there (Sarva ghati
There are twenty one types and subtypes:
1. Omniscience knowledge obstructive karma (1) 2. Perception obscuring karma (6)
a. Omniscience perception obscuring karma b. Five kinds of sleeps producing karma:
i. Light sleep ii. Deep sleep
Sound sleep iv. Exceedingly intense sleep
V. Somnambulistic sleep 3. Forteen types of deluding karma a. Passions causing infinite bondage (4)
i. Anger ii. Ego iii. Deceit
iv. Greed b. Partial vow preventing passions (4)
V. Anger vi. Ego vii. Deceit
viii. Greed C. Complete vow preventing passions (4)
ix. Anger X. Ego xi. Deceit
xii. Greed d. Wrong belief (1) e. Right/wrong belief (1)
239. How many different types of partial destructive karma are there?
There are Twenty six:
1. Knowledge obscuring karma (4)