202. What is called the power to develop (Paryapti)?
Here the food particles (ahar vargana), speech particles (bhasha vargana), mind particles (mano vargana), senses particles indriya vargana), body particles (sharir vargana), and respiratory particles (swashochchhwas vargana) are able to give the soul the power to make a proper body and senses in their fullest form of development.
203. How many different types of powers are there (Paryapti)?
There are six types:
1. Food power (Ahar paryapti) - the soul has the capacity to act as
an instrumental cause in collecting food particles in the form of
large quantities around the soul and also to liquefy them. 2. Body power (Sharir paryapti) - The food particles, which were
collected in quantities, are now transformed into bones, etc, body parts. The liquefied portion is converted as blood and fluid parts
of the body. 3. Senses power (Indrya paryapti) - the food particles collected are
now transformed into specific senses. 4. Respiratory power (Swashochchhwas paryapti) - The soul
becomes an instrumental cause in converting food particles into
the respiratory organs and functions. 5. Speech power (Bhasha paryapti) - The soul becomes an
instrumental cause in the food particles becoming converted to
speech particles. 6. Mind power (Manah paryapti) - the soul becomes an instrumental
cause in the transformation of material particles into specific mind particles. These particles sit as eight petals at the heart. One now has a mind as well as the capacity to think.
As mentioned above, in all these powers the soul acts as an instrumental cause only. The material particles themselves are converted into food, body, sense, speech, respiratory, and mind particles.
One sensed livings have four powers:
1. Food 2. Body 3. Senses 4. Respiratory
Two sensed, three sensed, four sensed, and non-sentient five sensed living beings have all the powers except for the mind.