171. What is the definition of bondage body karma (Bandhan nam karma)?
The fruition of these karma is the basis for the atoms of physical, etc, bodies to form a relationship with each other.
172. What is the integration of the body karma (Sanghat nam karma)?
The fruition of these karma is fundamental for physical etc bodies to enable the atoms within them to fuse with each other properly.
173. What is the figure of body karma (Sansthan nam karma)?
The fruition of these karma give the shape to the body.
174. What is the 'perfect symmetry all over' figure of body karma (Samchaturastra
sansthan karma)?
Fruition of these karma is the cause for body shape to be perfect at the top, middle, and bottom parts.
175. What is called 'symmetrical upper and asymmetrical lower' figure of body karma
(Nyagrodh parimandal sansthan karma)?
Nyagrodh means fig tree, and parimandal means circumference. The fruition of these karma is the cause for the body to be like a fig tree. The body is short and asymmetrical below the navel, and large and symmetrical above it.
176. What is the definition of asymmetrical upper and symmetrical lower'figure of
body karma (Svati sansthan karma)?
Fruition of these karma gives the body as tapering, like a snake hole or an inverted funnel, broad and symmetrical in the lower, but short and asymmetrical in the upper extremities.
177. What is called 'hunchback' figure of body karma (Kubjak sansthan karma)?
The fruition of these karmas give rise to a hump on the back of the body.
178. What is called 'dwarf' figure of body karma (Vaman sansthan karma)?
The fruition of these karma results in one having a dwarf body.