25. What is a luminous body (Tejas Sharir)?
The material belonging to this group is used by the soul to make a subtle body, which always accompanies the mundane soul in its mundane existence, i.e. until the soul achieves emancipation (Moksha). The body forms an essential link between the soul and its karmic body. Luminous body provides energy required by the vital processes of the living organisms such as radiance and digestion.
26.a. How do you explain 'clusters of speech materials' (Bhasha Vargana)?
Bhasha means speech. Living organisms, which are capable of producing speech, give voices to their feelings. The clusters of matters responsible for this process are called speech material clusters.
b. How do you explain 'cluster of mind materials' (Mano Vargana)?
Clusters, which are involved in the functioning of the mind, are called mano vargana.
27. Define cluster of karmic material (Karman Vargana)?
The material clusters, which are responsible for contaminating the soul, by becoming karma and keeping one in bondage, are called cluster of karmic materials.
28. What is the karman body (Karman Sharir)?
Eight types of karma to include Knowledge obscuring, perception obscuring, etc., compose what are called karman bodies.
29. Who have luminous and karman bodies?
All transmigratory souls (Sansari Jiva) have luminous and karman bodies.
30. Define 'medium of motion' (Dharmasti kaya)?
The soul and the matter can move by themselves. The substance, which helps them move, is called the medium of motion. It is present as an inactive substance, e.g., water is the medium for fish to swim. The fish is swimming because of its own capacity. Water provides only the medium. Water here is inactive in the process enabling the fish to swim.