Monks 'Dilemma
Monks' Dilemma
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Deepti and Vibhu. Shree was already introduced. Shruti a tribal girl working with Vibha, in tribal attire put Tilak on the forehead of the C.M. and performed Aarti, the traditional ritual while receiving an honoured guest. Vibha had put a sign at the gate with an arrow pointing towards the parking spot and inscription that vehicles were not allowed inside. The C.M. read and walked on foot accompanied by Vibha. She explained the layout of the plantation site, "The entire plantation area has been divided in plots of size of one hectare and pits of two feet cube size have been dug in alternate plots leaving adjoining plots vacant for agricultural crops of grains and cereals only in the area which is plain. The area which has a slope of even more than two percent will all be covered by plants or fodder grasses, according to land capability classification. The species that will be planted are indigenous and none exotic and this area is fairly rich in bio-diversity. We are paying special attention to the medicinal plants growing naturally in forests, but dwindling fast as a result of over exploitation. When the trees mature and herbs and shrubs reach harvesting stage we shall establish processing units for a variety of minor forest produce, to be operated, managed and shared equitably by tribals working with us or in the neighbouring area associated with our project. We shall gradually extend our project activity in this tehsil and then in the district."
of Bargad earmarked for him. As he started. Vibha gave the signal with a green flag in her hand and all tribals simultaneously planted the saplings with them. Soon water started flowing out of the sprinklers spread throughout the area. The C.M. was looking for the can to water the sapling as is the practice. Vibha explained, "We have adopted here sprinkler watering which is the only irrigation technique that is similar to natural rainfall."
"It is amazing You have planned so meticulously that everything is spontaneous, systematic and at the right moment." exclaimed the C.M.
He then proceeded to inaugurate the school building. It was a single story building with underground storage facility. The function was simple without any fanfare. Vibha said, "The school will be residential. We are incorporating vocational courses right from the beginning as even children can do many things such as weeding and hoeing in the nursery, preparing paper and earthen toys etc."
The Chief Minister was highly impressed by the project profile and said, "I shall like to replicate it in the state at as many places as possible. Please give me a copy of the project. I shall put it before the cabinet and request you to personally give its presentation."
Vibha then announced on the mike, "All of us shall now take lunch together. I request everyone to go to the covered shamiana."
The C.M. was highly impressed by the scenario as he walked. There were tribals in their traditional attire and colourful head dresses, presenting a rainbow spectre. He was taken to the highest point in the area where the nursery and storage pond usable as swimming pool also, were located. Vibha requested the Chief Guest, the C.M. to plant the sapling
The menu was simple and to the liking of the tribals. It comprised purees (fried wheat chapatti), potato-onion mix vegetable and sweet dish Lafsi (broken wheat cooked with