Monks 'Dilemma
Monks' Dilemma
one who appeared to be the head of the group and asked him, "What is the purpose of reciting the same words over and over again so loudly and adding to noise pollution by equally loud notes of the musical instruments. You are also blocking the road and causing inconvenience to people? What is your name?
He replied, "You can address me 'Hare Krishna'. We recite the name of our deity because it is very soothing. We get so much engrossed and immersed that we forget all our worries and feel immense happiness."
Deepti, "It is waste of your valuable time which you should utilise for some productive work. The peace and happiness you are talking about is only in your imagination and not real and only like the superficial and temporary escapism like under the influence of intoxication. The solution for worries and problems is in appropriate action and not just forgetting. Our scriptures ordain action (Karma) and not wasting time as you are doing."
Hare Krishna, "You join us. You will have the same experience."
Deepti, "I am not a fool to waste my time in useless and idle pursuits."
Deepti, "It is the birth place of Krishna, the most popular deity in our country. It was in this region he was borne and spent his childhood and enjoyed company of amorous damsels, the 'Gopies' and killed his maternal uncle to free his imprisoned parents. We must see these places."
At Mathura they first saw the birth place, the prison where Vasudev and Devki, the parents were kept imprisoned by Kansa, brother of Devki. Deepak have read the story and told it to Deepti, "Kansa loved his sister Devki very much but while travelling in his chariot he heard a voice which his advisors, the priests, pundits and astrologers interpreted as from heaven (Akashvani) that his own sister's son will kill him. The voice must have been eco from surrounding hills of some disgruntled insider to create rift. Kansa got enraged and imprisoned his sister and her husband so that he could kill all their children as soon as they are born. The subsequent events were the result of superstitious interpretation of eco as heavenly voice by priests. There is another unbelievable story beyond human comprehension and experience. When Vasudev was carrying new born infant Krishna in a basket on his head and was crossing the river Yamuna it was in spate but receded as soon as it touched the toe of Krishna."
Deepti, "How then half of the building could be converted into mosque and Krishna, the god incarnation did not protect his own birth place? Why priests and pundits misguide people that he always comes to help his devotees in distress? He has never come and his devotees have been repeatedly defeated by invaders. The stories narrated by pundits are mere concoctions"
Vrindavan is very near Mathura. The main temple here has
They returned to their room. While sipping tea Deepti suggested, "We should not miss Mathura, Vrindavan and Gokul and visit these places also."
Deepak, "The activities in temples there will also be same as we have already seen."