Monks' Dilemma
bisexual is far too limited than the swelling number of hypocrite gays who pretend to be so either because of being attached to such company for long or develop such attitude and mind set being addicted to the practice of homosexuality. It is a mental disease and can be cured by appropriate treatment. Unfortunately the pernicious practice is getting established and acceptance under the patronage of human right activists and gay associations and by governments also in many countries, because many in governments and vocal and powerful may have themselves been gays sometimes in their earlier years and therefore sympathise with gays and their associations. It is a fact that most of the males are homosexual at some stage in their earlier years. Even in case of naturally bi-sexuals and transgenders corrections can be done either way as male or female according to the dominance of hormones through medical intervention by compensating the required hormones and plastic surgery. In all fairness for the good of the society governments concerned should discourage rather ban and abolish legally this infamous and derogatory institution of gays and make it binding even for natural bisexual to live either as male or female in accordance with scientific evaluation of their suitability."
Shree, "It is very disgusting that our youth are getting corrupted by western cultural impact so much and are abandoning our ethos. The law against child marriage is based on the scientific fact that bodies of boys and girls are not mature for sex before the age of twenty-one and eighteen respectively. The licentious promiscuity in the west is resulting in more and more teen age pregnancies with lifelong deleterious effects. Celibacy till maturity as ordained in our scriptures is scientific and essential for health of present and future
Monks' Dilemma
| 135 generations. I appreciate your views about harmful consequences of growing homosexuality. You should also reconsider your views about masturbation which is not natural, not good socially, ethically and also health wise."
Priya. "But in the changing situations it is better than the ignominy of premarital sex. Anyway, please tell me whether you were immune from sexual urge as a nun."
Shree, "There is so much regimentation, indoctrination and conditioning and decrying all sorts of sensual pleasures that as a nun there is hardly an inkling of sexual urge. I do not know if I ever felt it. It may be because I was disgusted about any such relationship as my betrothal was broken. Also the male and female monks and nuns are accommodated in separate buildings and they meet only during discourses and there is no opportunity of interaction between individual male and female monks and nuns. Females either nun or householder, are not allowed to meet male monks even the Head alone and can do so only in group of at least two or more. But I have noticed that both male and female monks do look askance to those of opposite sex. This may be virtual manifestation of surging hormones and the latent sex urge. However there are rare and few cases of sexual escapades of some male monks who deliberately go to get food to certain houses when male members of the house are not there and exploit the opportunity. Some rare cases of pregnancies in female nuns have also been heard but these are suppressed to save the order from defamation.
Priya, "The fact remains that sex as an instinct cannot be erased or killed, it is only suppressed to spring up and manifest as and when the opportunity is there. This is why that there are cases of even the most revered saints in almost all religious