Monks 'Dilemma
Monks' Dilemma
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Brahmakumari, "Ours is Raj yoga model which does not require any hard and forced painful practice. It is centred on the premise that every soul is inherently pure, peaceful and full of happiness and suffers because it accumulates bad karmas, vices and emotions. In Raj yoga one can sit in any posture he is comfortable with and meditate. The technique is to think that he is pure and peaceful soul for at least ten minutes. This reminding of one's pure nature erases the negative thoughts and vices and one advances spiritually. The emphasis is that one should get rid of one's own vices and prejudices which are the sole cause of one's sufferings. The problem with most of us is that we see others as a source of our problems whereas it is otherwise and we ourselves are only responsible for our problems. Once one gets purified and charged with positive energy from god by connecting with him at paramdham through meditation one will himself become source of such energy for others around. Those whom we view wrong and even adversary will all get transformed friendly. Such is the power of Raj yoga meditation."
Deepti, “The entire edifice of your programme is based on conceptualised noumena of god and soul, the very existence of these entities is an imaginary creation of mankind to get a logical terminus for substantiating its various postulates which otherwise would not be convincing. How was the universe created? It has ever been a big question. The easiest way to answer this riddle was to conceptualise an imaginary creator the god. This has been challenged by even oldest philosophies e.g. Jainism. God is presumed to be very kind, omniscient and omnipotent. As such he should and could have created a happy and peaceful world, its denizens good without vices. But it is not so and the world is full of miseries and
bad people. Mankind has an inbuilt fear of death and an innate keen desire to be eternal and so the entity called soul was conceptualised to get solace of living eternally through soul which is qualified as immortal. The facts now emerging through development of genetics, neuroscience and environmental science are that all that is attributed to soul can easily and convincingly be explained as attributes of the material body."
Brahmakumari, "I would not comment on Jainism which does not subscribe to the concept of one almighty creator god but it does believe in the entity called soul. The existence of soul can be easily understood by the fact that two individuals are not same. It is because of past karmas in previous life. Even the twins born of same parents and brought up in same identical environment are not same in their mental, emotional and physical characteristics. This can be explained on the basis of past karmas of each soul in previous lives which are carried on by the soul in its next births."
Deepti, "The difference in twins can be explained on the basis of genetic and other physical factors. Twins are either from division of one zygote from fusion of one sperm with one ovum i.e. from one gamete or from two sperms fusing with two ova. In the previous case there is genetic similarity but the blood supply in the womb is either more or less in one zygote than in the other and this will result in significant differences in the otherwise identical twins. In later type of twins the genetic matter will be different. The difference attributed due to past karmas in previous life by the soul can also be explained genetically. The characteristics of great grandparents may not manifest in the next but in any future generation because of the control system of pause and release