In yore during the prehistoric era of Rishabdeo, Ramayana and Mahabharata there used to be iconic persons exalted as Rishis and venerated highly for their immense contribution for welfare of mankind. They were not escapists of the sort of present day monks and mahants and their ilk. They married and raised families and earned by hard work to maintain themselves and their families. They were highly talented experts in various fields of science and technology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, medicine and what not.
The objective of the novel is to establish logically and conclusively the redundancy and uselessness of parasitic exploitative institutions of monks and mahants etc. by presenting the real life characters and factual events and inter alia impress the need for rational and scientific temper and attitude Visa- Vis superstitions and obsessive blind, illogical and false beliefs in mantra- tantra and tricks, being propagated by monks, mahants and other charlatans for their own selfish gains, monetary and of name and fame at the cost of toiling masses. It is readers alone who will judge as to how successful the effort is.
Dr. S.M. Jain
The central theme and story of the novel is about redundancy and futility of the parasitic institute of monks and others of their genre, the mahants, purohits, pundits, astrologers, soothsayers, tantrics, occultists, quakes and of their ilk. They are no more benefactors or useful in any way to individuals or society. Overtime all institutes of this genre have degenerated abysmally. They are all escapists, running away from and shirking the responsibilities, hardships, vicissitudes, toil and turmoil of a householder who labours hard physically or mentally to earn for supporting his family and also these parasites. They are professionals of a sort, practising their respective expertise in varied forms of chicanery, sleight of hand or mind proclaimed as miracles by them, exploiting the ignorance and sentiments of gullible people by enticing with gains and solutions of problems without commensurate effort and frightening with harmful consequences if they are not obeyed. It is obsession and superstitious belief system of people by and large towards irrational allurement to get benefits without effort on which these parasites thrive and prosper. Our revered canonical scriptures profess and postulate the scientific principle of cause and effect and that it is one's own deeds good or bad which fructify in beneficial or harmful results and there is no short cut or alternative. It is unfortunate that people do not follow the very scriptures they adore and even worship.