Monks 'Dilemma
Monks' Dilemma
She was in a predicament. It was an insurmountable situation. She was very much perplexed and did not know as to how she would be able to cope with it. She had committed to Deepak to join him in his study of the life of monks and if both of them are convinced about the futility of monkhood and the order of nuns, then tie the knot in matrimony. She had known Ajeet also from her childhood as a very sensible, intelligent, balanced, very soft speaking, very composed and considerate person. He was quite effusive also and not that reserve type as Deepak. He possessed a good, charming personality. In all respects he scored better than Deepak but almost got erased from her mind with the passage of time, otherwise probably she might not have made commitment to Deepak who was not as enthusiastic as Ajeet might be. She also had regards for her parents' wishes. There was conflict in her mind, between traditional and cultural commitment and emotional infatuation with Deepak. It so happens because past memories get superimposed and erased by new ones in a changed environment. Four years' association with Deepak made its impact. It was the incessant play of interaction between evolving and changing environment and encrypted genetic and cultural background. She was not able to decide whether to tell and discuss with Deepak or not. She thought it proper not to talk to Deepak. She knew that Deepak will not at all mind even if she would switch towards Ajeet. But this would push him in monkhood and she was determined to protect him from such a parasitic and futile life.
However she thought that she should at least inform him that she would be going home because of some urgent family circumstances not clarified by his father on phone. But it was very late in night. She postponed it for next morning.
The same night by coincidence on return from office Deepak found two letters in his letter box, took them to his room to read at leisure as he knew that there could not be anything urgent because he did not have doting family. He changed and opened and read the letters lying on the bed. One letter was from the managing committee for arrangement of stay at Jaipur of the order of the monks with their head, where his parents were. He was invited to come and stay for at least a week in first or second week of December. The second letter was from his closest friend of school days, inviting him to attend his marriage at Jaipur on 5th December definitely. As he was about to go to bed his phone rang, "I am Vijay from Jhadol, Udaipur, our home town. You would have received my letter by now, posted by me a week ago. I have phoned because I want you to come to Jhadol on 1" or 2, December. I need you to help me in arrangements as there is no other who can do it.
Deepak, "I have only recently joined service. It will be difficult to get leave longer than three-four days. But I shall try my best because I am also very keen to come there and revive our cherished and fond memories." Vijay insisted and requested Deepak earnestly to make it as far as possible.
Deepak was eager to inform Deepti as he wanted that she should also accompany him to Jhadol and Jaipur. It was very late at night, so he decided to wait till next morning and went to sleep.
Deepti was smarter than Deepak and phoned him before he woke up. "I know you must be asleep at this time but I have to tell something very urgent. I am leaving by evening