Word Meanings
Incapable of achieving salvation Abhavyatva
Incapacity for salvation Abh ksana jñ nopayoga Constant contemplation of knowledge Abhinibodha
Deduction (cognition type) | bhiyogya
servants Abidh na
is not commendable Abrhma
Un-chaste Acaksu
Without eyes Acaury nuvrata
Non stealing minor vow Acita
Non living beings Ādāna niksepa
Care in taking and placing things Adatta
| What is not given deya
Lustrous body Adhigama
Dependent on some direct cause Adhikarana
Location /resting place
esting place dhikaranik
Taking weapons Adho(a)dhah
subsequent 'land' is below the previous Adhruva
Transitory dhye
First two dim na
Beginning Agr
Householder /laity Agh ti
Non obscuring Agni ikh
Walking over the flames of the fire Agrah ta
Natural Agur laghu
Neither heavy nor light h raka
Conveyance Ahims
Non-violence/ injury Aj va
Non-living Aj vak ya
Non-living bodies
Omniscient Ajñ na
Ignorant attitude
II.7 1 VI.24
1.13 | IV.4 | VII.14
VII.1 / 16
II.9/5 | VII.2/6/7
II.32 VII.4, IX.5 VII.15 VIII.11 1.3 1.7, VI.7 VI.5
1.16 1.11 V.24 VII.19 II.1, VIII.4 III.36 VIII.1 VIII.11 VI.1 VII.1 V.1 V.1 III.36 II.6, VIII.1, IX.13 IX.36 VI.5 VI.20 IX.22 VI.4
jñ vicaya Ajñ vy p dik Ak manirjar
kampita akaş ya
Akasya vedan ya
Revelation | Misinterpretation of scriptures
Involuntary dissociation Inducing Souls devoid of (or with gleaming) passions Conduct deluding karmas with quasi- passions Moaning Expressed Slowly Trans-cosmos/ void space encompassing universe
kramdana Aksara Aksipra Alok k a
VI.11 V.24 1.16 V.9/12/18, X.8