Numbers play an important role in Jain cosmology, karma doctrine and lifespan of beings in different realms. Numbers are divided in three categories namely: numerable (samkhy ta), innumerable (asamkhy ta), and infinite (ananta) with each category being further divided in sub-categories.
Numerable (samkhy ta): These are numbers from a minimum of 2 to 3 onwards and a maximum of a very large number which can be counted and explained through the examples of pits and mustard seeds explained briefly below.
Consider four pits of the size equal to Jambudv pa i.e. of 1,00,000 yojana diameters and 1000 yojana deep. In these, three are stable and the fourth is of varying height and shape. Now we put two mustard seeds in the variable dimensioned fourth pit. This is the minimum numerable number. Put one more mustard seed in this pit and we have medium numerable number. Keep on filling this unstable pit with mustard seeds till it is full. The number of seeds from upwards of three and till the pit is full is supreme numerable. Thus numerable implies a range of numbers from 2 upwards to a very large number which can be counted by the observer or speaker. This helps us understand later on the concept of mega (10%), giga (10'), tera (10") etc on ascending scale and mili (10%), micro (10), nano (10” and paco (10") on descending scales as used in computer technology to define the processing time / capabilities of various processors.
Innumerable (asamkhy ta) is defined as a number which is beyond our capability to count. Mathematically it is represented as minimum (x)* (or maximum numerable plus one) where x is a large number and maximum innumerable = (infinity -1). The concept of countless is also well defined in Dhaval and 'That which is'.
Infinite (ananta): From the definition of innumerable, if we add one to the maximum innumerable, we get infinite. The difference between infinite and innumerable is also explained in other way around as "If we keep on reducing an extremely large number by one and we reach a stage of zero, then the extremely large number started is called innumerable. If the extremely large number never reaches zero, then it is called infinite". Also, infinite is a number which cannot be comprehended by us but is comprehended by an omniscient only.
Infinite-infinite (anant nta): It is an extremely large number and is used for expressing number of living beings, sub-atoms etc in the cosmos.
Infinitesimal (anantav bh ga): It is the infinite subdivision of an Mathematically it is represented as 1 / infinity.
Kota-Koti=crore multiplied by crore, or 10' multiplied by 10' = 104.