Q.X.8.4 A.X.8.4
What is the material cause?
The self energy of any substance in its stated activities is called the material cause; e.g. the soil is the material cause of the pitcher.
Q.X.8.5 A.X.8.5
What is an efficient cause? The external entities which support or cause the activity's completion of any substance is called the efficient cause; e.g. in making the pitcher, the potter and his wheel and stick et are the efficient cause of making the pitcher from soil..
Q.X.8.6 A.X.8.6
What are the other types of causes from different viewpoint? There are two other types of causes namely samartha (ability to get the activity completed) and asamartha (inability to get the activity completed).
Q.X.8.7 A.X.8.7
What is an 'inability cause? Absence of a coordinating entity does let the activity be completed even though both material and efficient causes are available is called 'inability' cause.
Q.X.8.8 A.X.8.8
What is ‘ability' cause? Absence of obstructing entity in the completion of the activity as caused due to abundant availability of both material and efficient causes are available is called 'ability cause.
The emancipated souls have become totally free from bondage. Then how the impact of other entities on them is possible? Even though they are free from all bondages, yet some of their natural activities like upward movement is dependent on the existence of the principle of motion. Hence they also cannot go beyond the summit of cosmic-space.
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Kkukoxkgukurj&I &; kyi cgkor% IW; K% X.9 Ksetra-k la-gati-limga-t rtha-c ritra-pratyekabuddha-bodhita
jñ n vag han ntara- samkhy Ipabahutvatah s dhy h
{k) dky] xfr] fyx] rhfkl_pkfj =) iR;dco] ckf/kr co) ] Kku) voxkguk] vUrj] id;k vký vYi cglo&buds }kjk fl ) &tho foHkkx djus; kX; gA The emancipated souls can be differentiated with reference to the region, The emancipated souis ca time, realm of birth, gender or dress, ford, conduct, self-enlightenment, enlightened by others, knowledge, stature, interval, number and numerical strength of the liberated soul in these eleven gateways.