Q.IX.39.3 A.IX.39.3
What is the meaning of 'separatory contemplation pure meditation'? Pșthaktva means separateness; vitarka means detailed or special examination or scriptural knowledge and vc ra means shifting or moving from one to another. Thus in this type of contemplation, the practitioner, based on the scriptural knowledge, moves / shifts his thoughts from one substance / mode / word / number to another substance / mode / word / number and so on, or from one activity (of mind / body / speech) to another activity till he gets one subject concentrating/contemplating.
What is the meaning of 'unitary contemplation pure meditation'? Ekatva means oneness. So in this type of meditation, the practitioner, without surfing from one to another substance / mode / word / number and based on scriptural knowledge contemplates on one subject only.
What is the meaning of 'subtle infallible physical activity pure meditation? Giving up gross bodily activity, and depending upon slight bodily activity but not being detracted by it, the practiser ascends / embraces the contemplation on just the soul.
What is the meaning of 'irreversible stillness of the soul pure meditation'? Vyuparatakriy -nivarti pure meditation is when after making the duration of all the four non-obscuring karmas equal and through subtle bodily activities embraces the meditation on pure soul to destroy all activities (mind, body and speech) completely.
<d;ks&dk;; kxk; kxkuke- IX.40 Tryekayoga-k yayog yog n m
VFk% Meaning:
os pkj &/; ku De'k% rhu ; kxoky,d ; koky: dk; ;kxh] v; ksh ds gkss A The pure meditation is accompanied by three activities, one activity, bodily activity and no activity.
With how many activities existent can the practitioner attain the first pure meditation? Multiple-contemplation, the first type of pure meditation can be acquired by a saint with all the activities of mind, body and speech.
With how many activities existent can the practitioner attain the second pure meditation? Unitary-contemplation, the second type of pure meditation can be acquired by a saint with anyone of the three types of activities only.