Q.IX.36.11 A.IX.36.11
What is the fire / energy ( gney ) retention? This is the continuation of p rthiv imagery and involves the following additional and sequential steps. Sitting at the throne as indicated above, you contemplate:
On your navel, sixteen petals (each with one of sixteen vowels of Hindi written on it) white lotus flower blooming upwards and the word hrm written in the centre. There is another smaller eight petals white lotus half blooming just at the centre of your heart. Think of each petal representing one of the eight types of karma. There is a flame of fire along with smoke emanating from the centre of the lager lotus at the navel rising upwards. It starts burning the lotus petals at the heart as if burning the material karma and moves up to the brain. This flame of fire from the brains moves down along the sloping surface surrounding the body forming a pyramid shape. On the three lines of the triangular pyramid, the words ram, ram, ram are written. Each corner of triangle has a swastika of the form of fire on which words aum ram are written. This flame has burnt life determining karma internally, and the body externally before it cools down as ashes. The flame subs idea at the same place from where it emanated.
Q.IX.36.12 A.IX.36.12
What is air (pavana) retention? After the fire retention, contemplate that of air his surrounded the body. The winds are blowing away the ashes of material karmas and of the nokarma (body particles). Then it settles down. This is called air retention.
Q.IX.36.13 A.IX.36.13
What is meant by water (jala) retention? After the air retention contemplate that the area above the brain is covered with a thick shield of clouds. It has started drizzles as large water droplets all over you. This washes away even the stains left behind by the ashes of karma and body particles leaving behind just pure and clean soul. This is called water retention.
Q.IX.36.14 A.IX.36.14
What is meant by pure virtuous existence (tatvar pavat ) retention? After the water retention, contemplate further on the soul completely free from physical and psychic body particles. This pure soul is similar to siddha with infinite vision-knowledge-bliss-energy-quad along with the other characteristics of the pure soul. This is called pure virtuous existence (tatvar pavat ) retention.
Q.IX.36.15 A.IX.36.15
What is meant by meditation on the word / aphorism (padastha)? The practices of this type of meditation contemplates on a word or an aphorism of his choice; e.g. on each of the right petals of the lotus at the heart, he writes one of the following eight aphorisms namely namo arahant nam, namo siddh nam, namo yari nam, namo uvvajjh y nam, namo loye savva s hunam, right belief, right knowledge