pkfj=ekgs ukXU; kfr&L=h&fu"k | k. - Øks k&; kpuk&l Rdkj &ig Ldkj k% IX.15 C ritramohe n gny rati-str -nisady kro a-y can -satk ra-purask r h
Q.IX.15.2 A.IX.15.2
Q.IX.15.3 A.IX.15.3
Q.IX.15.5 A.IX.15.5
Q.IX.15.6 A.IX.15.6
Q.IX.15.7 A.IX.15.7
Q.IX.15.8 A.IX.15.8
pkfj-ekg ds I nHkko ea ukXU;] vjfr] L=h] fu"k | k] vkØks k]; kpuk] | Rdkj vk igLdkj ifj "kg gkrs gå
(The afflictions of) nudity, disinterest, women, sitting posture, reproach, begging and reverence and honor are caused by conduct-deluding karmas.
Which afflictions are caused by the rise of conduct deluding karma (c ritra- mohan ya) karmas?
The seven afflictions caused by the rise of conduct deluding karmas are: nudity, disinterest, women, and discomfort from postures, scolding, begging, reverence and honour.
What is meant by nudity affliction?
Obstructions and misery's caused by maintaining nude body for spiritual purification are called nakedness affliction.
What is meant by disinterest affliction?
An attitude of aversion / hate towards undesirable thing /beings is called disinterest afflictions.
What is meant by women affliction?
effects caused by the presence and activities of women which obstruct the observance of celibacy are called women afflictions.
What is meant by discomfort of posture affliction?
Experience the difficulties caused by the seat after it has been accepted and being used for meditation and contemplation is called discomfort in posture affliction.
What is meant by scolding affliction?
Misery caused by accusations like 'he is a fake ascetic or he is a sinister or has perverted view etc' by ignorant persons are called discomfort in posture affliction.
What is meant by begging affliction?
Begging for anything to remove the causes of distress /misery is called begging affliction
What is meant by reverence and honour affliction?
Mental stress/misery's caused by non recognition and not honouring for the capabilities possessed is called reverence and honour affliction.