What is meant by conquest by unminded endurance of despair arising out of lack of knowledge (ajñ na)? To maintain equanimity and not to develop feeling of low caused by the lack of knowledge is called conquest by unminded endurance of lack of knowledge.
What is meant by conquest by unminded endurance of lack of faith (adar ana)? To maintain equanimity and not to develop a feeling of low; when high level of knowledge and attainments are not realized in spite of performing severe austerities is called conquest by unminded endurance of lack of faith.
What is the difference between affliction (upsarga) and unminded endurance (parīşaha)? Affliction are caused are inflicted by others and have to be tolerated while unminded endurance in imposed and endured by self.
VFk% Meaning:
Tkel kijk; &NneLFkohr jkx; ks pralk IX.10 Sūksmasāmparāya-cchadmasthav tar gayo caturda a 1Ke&l kEijk; vkỹ NneLFk&ohrjkx ds xq kLFkkuka ea pkhg i fj "kg EHko gå Fourteen afflictions occur in the case of the saints in the tenth, eleventhand twelfth stages.
Which are the fourteen afflictions existent in chadmastha-v tar ga (10) and subtle passions (sūksma sāmparāya) (12h) gunasth nas? These are: hunger (kṣudh ), thirst (pip s ), cold ( ta), heat (uşna), insect bites (dam ama aka), misery arising from roaming (cary ), uncomfortable couch ( ayy ), injury (vadha), lack of gain (al bha), illness (roga), miserys inflicted due to grass (tranaspar a), dirt (mala), high intellect (prajñ ), despair arising out of lack of knowledge (ajñ na).
Q.IX. 10.2 A.IX.10.2
What is the meaning of s mpar ya? It is a synonym of passion (kas ya
Q.IX.10.3 A.IX. 10.3
What is the meaning of sūksma sāmparāya? The stage of spiritual purification (12th gunasth na) at which the greed passion exists, though in a very subtle flickering manner only.
Q.IX.10.4 A.IX.10.4
Who are the ascetics with sūksma sāmparāya? The ascetics who practice sūksma sāmparāya conduct in the 10" and 12" stages of spiritual purification are called ascetics with subtle passions.