bł kRHkk"kSk. kknkufu{ks kRI xkell l fer;% IX.5 Iry -bh saişan d nan ksepotsarg h samitayah
VFk% Meaning:
bł k] Hkk"kk],"k. kk] vknku&fu{ki vkS mRI x& ; si kp&l fefr; ki gå Walking, speech, eating, lifting and putting down and depositing waste products constitute the fivefold regulation of activities.
Q.IX.5.1 A.IX.5.1
How many types of carefulness (samiti) are there? There are five types of carefulness namely walking (ry ), speech (bhāṣā), eating (esan ), lifting and laying down (ādāna niksepa) and depositing waste (utsarga).
Q.IX.5.2 A.IX.5.2
What is meant by carefulness? When a monk is unable to practice penance, then they undertake activities like delivering sermons, going out to accept food, moving from place to another etc. Carefulness involved in such activities in order to avoid injury to living beings is called carefulness.
Q.IX.5.3 A.IX.5.3
What is meant by walking (ry ) carefulness? To perform essential activities and to practice self restraint, the act of observing carefulness in moving slowly by looking all around four to five yards on the floor is called walking (ry ) carefulness.
Q.IX.5.4 A.IX.5.4
What is meant by speech (bhāṣā) carefulness? To speak beneficial (spiritually), sweet and affectionate words is called speech (bhāṣā) carefulness.
Q.IX.5.5 A.IX.5.5
What is meant by eating (esan ) carefulness? It means carefulness in eating or involved in the activities of eating. Carefulness in activities performed by a monk once every day to visit a householder, accept in the palms flawless food offered other observing due respect and devotion (by the householder) and eat the same there in standing posture is called carefulness in eating (eşan ).
Q.IX.5.6 A.IX.5.6
What is meant by carefulness in lifting and putting down (ādānaniksepa)? Carefulness observed in lifting and placing the instruments / appliances for spiritual virtues (like holy texts, water pot etc) or lying down to sleep by first cleaning the place and the appliances with the whisk (pichhi) is called carefulness in lifting and putting (ādāna niksepa).
Q.IX.5.7 A.IX.5.7
What is meant by carefulness in depositing waste (utsarga)? To excrete in a clean place free from living beings is called carefulness in depositing waste (utsarga). In other words it means to attend to the natures calls in a clean and free from organism place.
Samiti involves activity / engagement of mind, body and speech. How can it then lead to stoppage as the same involves disengagement? It causes stoppage as the auspicious tendencies occur while performing these activities.