Q.VIII.26.1 A.VIII.26.1
Q.VIII.26.2 A.VIII.26.2
Q.VIII.26.3 A.VIII.26.3
utmost firmness of the joints, pleasant colour - taste - odour - touch, two n prvi which tend to move the soul towards celestial birth, neither heavy nor light, liability of getting injured by others, capacity for breathing, emitting a warm splendor, emitting a cold luster, graceful gait, moveable body, gross body, complete development of organs and the faculties of the body, possession of an individual body, firmness of the bodily frame, beauty of the body, melodious voice, lustrous body, glory and renown, the formation of the body with parts in their right place, fordmaker status, high status and pleasant feeling.
vrks U; Riki e- VIII.26 Ato(a)nyatp pam
buds vfrfj Dr 'ksk Ic idfr; ki iki: Ik ga
The remaining varieties of karma constitute demerit.
Which karma species constitute demerit (p pa)?
These are unpleasant feeling producing karma, inauspicious life span determining, inauspicious name and inauspicious status are the five species which constitute demerit.
Which are the sub species of karma that constitute demerit?
The 47 species of obscuring karmas (5 for knowledge obscuring, 9 for perception obscuring, 28 for deluding, 5 of obstructing karmas), low status, unpleasant feeling producing karma, infernal life, 50 inauspicious species of name karma (the infernal and the sub-human realms, 4 classes of beings i.e. 1 to 4 sensed living beings, 5 kinds of structure of the body, 5 kinds of joint, 20 of inauspicious colour-tastetouch-smell, movement of the soul towards infernal birth or sub human birth, infirmness of limbs, ugliness, bad looks (extending disgust or loathing), unpleasant voice, lusterless body and disgrace). In the 16 subtypes of inauspicious colour etc, therefore one can say from detailed view 98 species and from general view 82 species of karmas are bonded as demerit. But these two tendencies i.e. wrong and right beliefs can have existence as well as rise during the demerit bondage. Thus the total species from discrimination view can be 100 and from general view are 84 for demerit bondage.
Which are the sub-species which can be bonded?
As the 28 (16 of touch-taste-colour-smell, 5 union / binding, 5 of molecular interfusion, and 2 of faith deluding) sub species are not binding, balance 120 sub-species are bondable.