What is the experience on fruition produced by perception obscuring karmas? The result of this karma is to experience reduction in perception attribute of the soul.
What is the experience on fruition produced by feeling producing karmas? It is making the physical body and the internal passions thin/weak by abandoning their sources gradually at the approach of death.
Q.VIII.22.5 A.VIII.22.5
What is the experience on fruition produced by deluding karmas? The result of this karma is to experience delusion i.e. forget own nature and accept other's nature as own.
What is the experience on fruition produced by lifespan determining karmas? The result of this karma is to experience existence in a particular realm.
Q.VIII.22.7 A. VIII.22.7
What is the experience on fruition produced by body-making karmas? The result of this karma is to experience different body formations and structures.
A. VIII.22.8
What is the experience on fruition produced by status determining karmas? The result of this karma is to experience high and low status in one's family / life.
Q.VIII.22.9 A. VIII.22.9
What is the experience on fruition produced by obstructing karmas? The result of this karma is to experience obstructions in achieving the desired objectives.
In how many classes the results / experiences of 148 sub species can be grouped? These can be grouped in four main groups namely: consciousness experience ( vavip k), material experience (pudgalavip k), mode experience (bhavavip k ) and place experience (ksetravip k).
Q. VIII.22.11 A.VIII.22.11
What is meant by consciousness experience?
The experience caused in the different degrees of manifestation (upayoga) of consciousness of the soul is consciousness experience.
Q.VIII.22.12 A. VIII.22.12
What is meant by material experience? The experience caused in the body attributes is material experience.
Q.VIII.22.13 A. VIII.22.13
What is meant by mode experience (bhavavip k)? The experience caused in the mode (pary ya) of the empirical soul is mode experience.