Q.VIII.6.1 A.VIII.6.1
Q.VIII.6.2 A.VIII.6.2
Q.VIII.6.3 A.VIII.6.3
Q.VIII.6.4 A.VIII.6.4
Q.VIII.6.5 A.VIII.6.5
Q.VIII.6.6 A.VIII.6.6
efr&Jrkof/k&eu%; &doykuke~ VIII.6
Mati- rut vadhi-manah paryaya-keval n m
efrKku] JrKku] vof/kKku] eu% i; Kku vk doуkku & budks vkoj.k djus okys i kp& Kkukoj.k del gå
Karmas which obscure sensory knowledge, scriptural knowledge, clairvoyance, telepathy and omniscience are the five kinds of knowledge-obscuring karmas.
How many sub divisions of knowledge obscuring karma are there? The five sub divisions of knowledge obscuring karma are: sensory knowledge, scriptural knowledge, clairvoyance, telepathy and omniscience.
What is meant by sensory knowledge obscuring karma?
The karma which obstructs the full manifestation of the sensory knowledge is called sensory knowledge obscuring karma.
What is meant by scriptural knowledge obscuring karma? The karma which obstructs the full manifestation of the sensory knowledge is called sensory knowledge obscuring karma.
What is meant by clairvoyance obscuring karma?
The karma which obstructs the full manifestation of the clairvoyance knowledge is called clairvoyance knowledge obscuring karma.
What is meant by telepathy knowledge obscuring karma?
The karma which obstructs the full manifestation of the telepathy knowledge is called telepathy knowledge obscuring karma.
What is meant by omniscience obscuring karma?
The karma which obstructs the full manifestation of the omniscience is called omniscience obscuring karma.
In what type of living beings are these five sub divisions of knowledge obscuring karmas found?
These are found in both capable of salvation (bhavya) and incapable of salvation (abhavya) living beings.
Do the inauspicious living beings have the potential for attaining telepathy and omniscience?
From substance point of view, they have these potentials while from modal viewpoint; they do not have the potential to achieve telepathy and omniscience.