Which kind of bondage takes place in 11th till 13th stages of spiritual purification? Only pleasant feeling karma (s t vedn ya) karma can be bonded. However due to absence of passions, duration and potency bondage of these also is not possible. Due to existence of activities only species and space-points of karma bondage can take place.
Q. VIII.3.10
A. VIII.3.10
Till which stages of spiritual purification bondage of each of the four kinds can take place? The species and space points can take place from 19 till 13th stages of spiritual purification. The potency and duration bondage is possible from 19 till 10"" stages of spiritual purification.
Which kind of bondage is possible in the 14th stage of spiritual purification? None
Q. VIII.3.12
Why the liberated / pure souls (siddha) are fee from bondage of any kind? Since pure soul is fee from passions and activities, they are free from all types of bondage.
Vkl ks Kkun' klikoj. k&onuh; &ekguh; k; uke&xk=kUrjk; 1% VIII.4 dyo jñ nadar an varana-vedan ya-mohan y yurn ma-gotr ntar y h
igyk vFkk:& infrcak' Kkukoj.k] n'kukoj. K) onuh;] ekguh; ] vk; uke] xke vk vUrjk; &: Ik gA The species-bondage is of eight kinds, knowledge-obscuring, perception-obscuring, feeling-producing, deluding, life-determining, body-making (physique-making),status-determining and obstructive karmas.
Q. VIII.4.1 A.VIII.4.1
How many types of species bondage (prakrti bamdha) are there? It is of eight types namely: knowledge obscuring (ñ n varn ya), perception obscuring (dar an varn ya), feeling producing (vedan ya), deluding (mohan ya), lifespan determining (yu), physique-making (n ma), status-determining (gotra), obstructive (antar ya).
Q. VIII.4.2 A.VIII.4.2
What is meant by obscuring ( varana)? It means to put a veil or cover or to hide. The cover used to hide is called varana.
Q. VIII.4.3 A.VIII.4.3
What is meant by knowledge obscuring karma? The karma which obscures or covers the knowledge attribute of the soul is called knowledge obscuring karma.