{ks=&okLr@fgj.;&1 .k/ku&/kkU; &nkl h&nkl &dt; &Hkk. M&i rek. kkfrØek% VII.29 Ksetra-v stu-hiranya-suvarna-dhana-dh nya-d s-d sa-kupya-bh nda
pram n tikram h
{kF] or I kuk &pknh] /ku] /kku; ] nkl hl nkl rFikk de; vkS Hkk. M ds i ek. kka ds vfrøe &;s ifjxg& ifj ek. k&or ds i kp&vfrpkj ga Exceeding the set limits of possession of the lands, houses, gold, silver, cattle, grains, maids, servants clothes, utensils are the five transgressions of the vow of limiting possessions.
Q. VII.29.1
What are the five transgressions of the vow of limiting possessions (parigraha parim n nuvrata)? To exceed the limits set by ownself with regards to lands and houses, gold and silver, cattle and corn, maids and servants; and cloths and utensils are the five transgressions of the vow of limiting possessions (parigraha parim n nuvrata).
Q.VII.29.2 A.VII.29.2
What is meant by land? The cultivatable field or barren or forest land is called land.
Q.VII.29.3 A.VII.29.3
What is meant by v stu (house)? It means the house or buildings to be used for residence commercial or any other purposes.
Q.VII.29.4 A.VII.29.4
What is meant by exceeding the limits of land and houses? To possess more than the limits in terms of the area of land and number of houses is called exceeding the limits of cultivable land and houses.
Q.VII.29.5 A. VII.29.5
What is meant by hiranya? It means silver.
Q.VII.29.6 A. VII.29.6
What is meant by suvarna? It means gold.
Q.VII.29.7 A. VII.29.7
What is meant by exceeding the limits of silver and gold? It means to exceed the limits (by weight or value) of having gold and silver.
Q.VII.29.8 A.VII.29.8
What is meant by wealth? It means cows, bull, elephants, horses, jewelry etc.
Q.VII.29.9 A.VII.29.9
What is meant by cereals (dh nya)? It means rice, wheat, etc which constitute food items.
Q.VII.29.10 A.VII.29.10
What is meant by exceeding limits of possessing food items? It means to be excessively involved in mental and physical activities to own more food items than set as limits.