A. VII.23.5
What is the difference between praise (samstava) and admiration (pra ams)? Praise is basically expression by speech while administration is a mental process by the person for other's attributes.
Q.VII.23.6 A.VII.23.6
Which are the eight limbs of right faith? The eight limbs of right faith are: absence of doubt in the variety of the tenets propounded by the Jina in part or as whole (nih amkita), absence of appreciation of manifold doctrine or having no desire for the worldly pleasures (nih k mk ita); absence of any repulsion from the impurity of the body of a person possessed with three jewels (nirvicikits ); un-deluded vision (amūdhadrsti); confirmation of faith (upag hana), steadfastness of faith (sthitr karana), affection for faith (v tsalya) and glorification of the creed (prabh van ).
If there are eight limbs of right belief / faith, then there should be eight transgressions of the right believer also instead of five listed above? The transgression of admiration for the knowledge and conduct of wrong believers is inclusive of the opposites of a number of limbs like upaguhana etc. Also as the author has given five transgressions for each vow, so here also he has given five transgressions of right believer and made them include all eight limbs.
Q.VII.23.8 A.VII.23.8
What is meant by transgression (atic ra)? It means to show laziness / laxity in observing or performing the essential duties or the vows of the householders.
Q.VII.23.9 A.VII.23.9
What is meant by wrong view (an c ra)? It means to consider the flaws as virtues and not as flaws.
What are the subsidiary dispositions which cause non observance of the vows? The four dispositions are: violation of vows (atikrama), crossing the limits of the vows with passionate disposition (vyatikrama), transgression (atic ra) and misconduct (an c ra).
Q.VII.23.11 A. VII.23.11
What is meant by violation of the vows? It means developing deterioration of mental purity.
What is meant by crossing the limits of the vows with passionate disposition (vyatikrama)? It means to have an inclination and desire for worldly pleasures.
Q.VII.23.13 A.VII.23.13
What is meant by transgression? To indulge in the sensual pleasures even once is transgression.
Q.VII.23.14 A.VII.23.14
What is meant by misconduct? To indulge in sensual pleasures repeatedly (or repeated violations of the vows) is misconduct.