What is meant by (Dar ana vi uddhi bh van) purity of right faith contemplation? It is the observance of the creed / faith propounded by the omniscient along with eight qualities (limbs of right faith), freedom from the twenty five flaws, and having deep inclination in pursuing the path of spiritual purification.
Q.VI.24.11 What is meant by abundance of reverence (vinaya sampannat )
contemplation? A.VI.24.11 “Abundance of reverence is to profusely pay homage to the three jewels
(right faith-knowledge-conduct) which lead to liberation, and their practitioners. Reverences should be observed for Faith-knowledgeconduct-practitice (upac ra).
What is meant by faultless practice of the vows (śīlavratesvanaticāra) contemplation? Faultless observance of the five vows of non injury, etc (vratas), the supplementary vows such as giving up passions like anger, etc which safeguard ( lavratas) the five vows and which constitute freedom from transgression is faultless practice of the vows (śīlavrates vanaticāra).
What is meant by constant contemplation of knowledge (abh ksana jñ nopayoga)? Incessant cultivation of knowledge of the soul and the other categories is contemplation of right knowledge. It can also be defined as continuous contemplation of knowledge and its manifestation.
What is meant by contemplation perpetual fear of transgression (samvega)? To develop detachment from the pleasures of the sensual organs and perpetual fear of transgression and to enhance the inclinations towards spirituality is called samvega.
What is meant by contemplation of giving gifts or charity ( aktitasty ga)? Without hiding one's capacity to give, to give appropriate charity of the four kinds is aktitasty ga.
What is meant by contemplation of Practising austerities ( aktitasyatapa)? Austerity is voluntary dissociation with the body in conformity with the scriptures and one's capacity. To observe appropriate austerities like fasting, etc of twelve kinds, etc is called aktitasyatapa.
What is meant by contemplation of removal of obstacles that threaten equanimity of ascetics (s dhu sam dhi)? To remove the obstacles faced by the monk / ascetics in observing equanimity and the vows is s dhu sam dhi.