Q.VI.11.6 A.VI.11.6
What is meant by injury (vadha)? Depriving one or many of the life forces (senses, strength or vigour, respiration or lifespan) is called injury.
Q.VI.11.7 A. VI.11.7
What is meant by lamentation (paridevana)? Crying / weeping out loudly to arouse sympathy / attention or help from others for self or others are called lamentation.
Q.VI.11.8 A.VI.11.8
Who accrues the influx of unpleasant feeling karma? The one, who becomes unhappy / feeling of misery or makes others so, accrues unpleasant feeling karma.
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How can we justify the activities; like pulling out hair, fasting and standing in the sun and so on and preach others also to do the same; of Jain ascetics? Since these activities of Jain ascetics are devoid of anger and other passions, therefore these activities do not cause influx of unpleasant feeling karmas. They preach these for the welfare of the others suffering from the miseries of transmigration
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Hkr&oR; upEi k&nku&l jkxl a ekfn&; k%{kkfurk?&" kkbfefrl }sL; VI.12 Bh ta-vratyanukamp -d na-sar gasamyam di-yogah ks ntih - aucamiti sadvedyasya
Hkr&vudEik] orh&vudEik) nku] Ljkxla e vkfn dk ; kx rFkk {kkfür vkg ikki & ;5 'I krkonuh; &del ds vkLko ds dkj.k gå Compassion towards living beings in general and the devout in particular, charity, self-restraint with attachment etc, contemplation of mind, equanimity, purity etc are comes of influx of pleasant feeling karma.
What are the causes of the influx of pleasant feeling (s t vedaniya) karmas? Compassion (anukamp ), charity (d na) towards living beings in general (bh ta) and the devout (vrati) in particular, self-restraint with attachment (s r gasamyama), application / contemplation of mind (yoga), equanimity (ks nti), purity (auca) are the causes of the influx of the pleasant feeling karmas.
A. VI.12.2
What is meant by compassion (anukamp ) towards living beings in general (bh ta)? Developing fellow feelings or distress at the sufferings of all other living beings and to consider their suffering as your own is generalcompassion.
Q.VI.12.3 A.VI.12.3
What is meant by compassion towards the devout (vrati) in particular? Developing special feelings or distress at the sufferings of householders Practising minor vows (anuvratas) and the ascetics