Q.I.13.1 A.I.13.1
What is the meaning of mati (sensory cognition)? It is the synonym of intellect implying knowledge acquired through sense organs and mind.
Q.1.13.2 A.I.13.2
What is the function of mati? The function of mati is the cognition with the aid of mind and sense organs through the stages of apprehension / sensation (avagraha), speculation / discrimination (h), perceptual judgment (av ya) and retention (dh ran ).
Q.1.13.3 A.I.13.3
What is remembrance (smrti)? Remembering / recollecting or knowing from past experience is remembrance.
Q.1.13.4 A.I.13.4
What is the function of smrti? The function of smrti is to recollect now the entities known earlier.
Q.1.13.5 A.I.13.5
What is the meaning of samjñ (recognition)? Cognition by comparison is recognition e.g. 'this is like that (known earlier)' is recognition.
Q.1.13.6 A.I.13.6
What is the function of recognition?
To recollect something seen earlier and then to compare it to something being seen now is the function of recognition e.g. this house is like the one I saw earlier.
What is the meaning of reasoning or induction / discursive thought (cint)? Cint is inductive reasoning. It is also known as the cognition/ knowledge of the universal relationship (vy pti) between the object of knowledge (s dhya) and the directly cognized object (s dhana). It is also referred as logic / tarka.
Q.1.13.8 A.I.13.8
What is the function of induction / discursive thought? To enable cognition like, 'wherever there is smoke, there is fire'.
Q.1.13.9 A.I.13.9
What is the meaning of deductive cognition (abhinibodha)? To cognize an unknown object of knowledge (s dhya) by the object known now (s dhana) is called deductive cognition.
Q.I.13.10 A.1.13.10
What is the function of deductive cognition? To cognize the object of knowledge (s dhya) with the aid of the object seen / known now (s dhana) e.g. there is fire on this hill because there is smoke over there.
rfnfunt kfufunt fufelke- 1.14 Tadindriy nindriyanimittam
VFk% Meaning:
og efrkku bfUn vis vfufung Yeuk ds fufelk Is gksrk gA That is caused by the senses and the mind.