Major Aggregate (major aggregate that pervades the entire universe) is an example of extreme grossness.
Q.V.24.28 A.V.24.28
What is relative grossness? For example, apple is grosser than olive.
Q.V.24.29 A.V.24.29
What is the meaning of shape (samsth na)? The form of an entity is called its shape.
Q.V.24.30 A.V.24.30
How many types of shape are there? It is of two types namely that which can be defined (iatthamlaksana) and the other which cannot be defined (an-iatthamlaksana).
Q.V.24.31 A.V.24.31
What is meant by shape that can be defined? Shapes like triangle, circular, rectangular etc which can be defined.
Q.V.24.32 A.V.24.32
What is meant by shapes which cannot be defined? Shapes, like those of clouds, which keep on changing and impossible to be described / defined.
Q.V.24.33 A.V.24.33
How many types of divisions (bheda) are there? There are six types of division namely utkara, c rna, khamda, c rnika, pratara, anucątana.
Q.V.24.34 A.V.24.34
What is the meaning of utkara? Sawdust created by sawing a piece of wood is called utkara.
Q.V.24.35 A.V.24.35
What is the meaning of c rna? Flour of wheat etc is called c rna.
Q.V.24.36 A.V.24.36
What is the meaning of khamda? Fragments of a pitcher when broken is called khamda.
Q.V.24.37 A.V.24.37
What is the meaning of c rnika? Skin of black gram or green gram etc which results by thrashing them is called c rnika.
Q.V.24.38 A.V.24.38
What is the meaning of pratara? Layers of mica, earth etc is called pratara.
Q.V.24.39 A.V.24.39
What is the meaning of anucątana? Sparks emitted by emitting from a red hot iron are called anucatana.
Q.V.24.40 A.V.24.40
What is the meaning of darkness (andhak ra)? It is the opposite of light or absence of light.
Q.V.24.41 A.V.24.41
What is the meaning of shadow (ch y )? Image caused by obstruction of light is called shadow.
How many types of shadow are there?