An entity which has touch, taste, smell and form / colour as its attributes is called matter.
Q.V.23.2 A.V.23.2
What is the meaning of touch? What is touched or just touching alone is touch.
Q.V.23.3 A.V.23.3
How many types of touch are there? There are eight types of touch namely light and heavy, rough and smooth, hard and soft, cold and hot.
Q.V.23.4 A.V.23.4
What is the meaning of taste? What is tasted or just tasting alone is taste.
Q.V.23.5 A.V.23.5
How many types of taste are there? There are five types of taste namely bitter (kaşail ), sour (kadav ), acidic (khatt ), sweet (m th ) and astringent (carapar ).
Q.V.23.6 A.V.23.6
What is the meaning of smell? what is smelt or just smelling is smell.
Q.V.23.7 A.V.23.7
How many types of smell are there? There are two types of smell namely pleasant and unpleasant.
Q.V.23.8 A.V.23.8
What is the meaning of colour? What is seen by the eyes as different is colour.
Q.V.23.9 A.V.23.9
How many types of colour are there? There are five types of colour namely blue, black, yellow, red and white.
In the aphorism matter is said to be concrete (r pinah pudgalah ). Does it imply that matter is with touch, taste etc? Colour, form, taste, touch etc are co-existent in matter. Hence by just saying with form implies existence of touch, taste etc also.
kCn&cU/k&I kşkE; &LFKKI; &1 LFkku&Hks&re' Nk; k. . riks) k&our'p V.24 abda-bandha-sauksmya-sthaulya-samsth na-bheda-tama ch y
tapodyotavanta ca
rFkk oskan cU/k] Trei uk LFknyRo] | LFkku] Hkn] vU/kdkj] Nk; k vkri vkļ m krokys gkss gå Sound, union, fineness, grossness, shape, division, darkness, image, warm light (sunshine) and cool light (moonlight) also (are forms of matter).
Q.V.24.1 A.V.24.1
What are the modes of the matter? Sound ( abda), union (bamdha), fineness (suksmapan ), grossness (sth lapan ), shape (samsth na), divisions (bheda), darkness (tamah or andhak ra), shadow (ch y ), warm light ( tapa), cool light (udyota) are the modes of matter.