The word krtsane is used to indicate that the medium of motion and medium of rest pervade the entire cosmos.
Do the six substances, which co-exist at the same space point/s, become one? Even though all the six substances inter penetrate each other, yet due to the quality of avag hana (nature of accommodation), they do not become one or loose their identity.
,di ns kkfn "kq AkkT; % i nxykuke V.14 Ekaprade dişu bh jyah pudgal n m
VFk% Meaning:
inxyka dk voxkgykdkdk'k ds , d&insk vkfn es fodYi I sgkok GA The forms of matter occupy (inhabit) from one unit of space onwards.
Q.V.14.1 A.V.14.1
How much place does one sub-atom occupy in space? One sub-atom occupies place equal to one space point.
Q.V.14.2 A.V.14.2
What is the range of place that matter can occupy in universe? Matter can occupy from one to numerable and innumerable space-points.
How many space-points can two or three sub-atoms, bonded or separate can occupy in space? They can occupy from one, two or three space-points.
How many space-points are occupied by numerable, innumerable and infinite sub-atoms? They can occupy from one to numerable or innumerable space-points.
Medium of motion and medium of rest are non concrete and so they can co-exist at one place. But how can concrete matter of one space point along with matter with many space-points co-exist in one space point? Light is concrete. Like the light from many source coexist in one room, similarly due to subtle transformation of sub-atom they can co-exist in one space point.
Q.V.14.6 A.V.14.6
Is there any space point in cosmos where the matter does not exist? No, the entire universe is pervaded all over by infinite matter sub-atoms (param nus).
vl{:$ &Hkkxkfn "kq thokuke-V.15