Q.V.9.4 A.V.9.4
What is cosmos? The space where all the six types of substances exist is called cosmos.
Alok k a or trans-cosmos does not have time existent in it. How can it be called substance as it cannot have origination, destruction and permanence then? The substance 'space is one indivisible continuum. Therefore the transformation going on in cosmos due to the existence of time there should be considered as that in trans-cosmos also.
Q.V.9.6 A.V.9.6
What is trans-cosmos? The part of space which surrounds cosmos and where no other substance type exists except just space itself.
Q.V.9.7 A.V.9.7
What is the meaning of infinite and which is the entity which cognizes it? An entity which is without an end is called infinite. It is the subject of omniscience.
VFk% Meaning:
T{;sk 1d; sk' p inxykuke. V.10
Samkhyey samkhyey ca pudgal n m i nxyka ds 1 &; kr] vlį; kr vkg vuur&insk gå (The space-points) of forms of matter are numerable, innumerable and infinite also.
Q.V.10.1 A.V.10.1
How many space-points does matter (pudgala) have? Matter has numerable, innumerable and infinite space-points.
Q.V.10.2 A.V.10.2
What is matter? An entity which has fusion and fission (combining and separating) as its primary attributes and which is concrete is called matter.
Q.V.10.3 A.V.10.3
What are the popular attributes of matter? Touch, taste, smell and colour are the popular attributes of mater.
Q.V.10.4 A.V.10.4
What is substance? The entity which has modes or which acquires modes is called substance.
Even though matter as one sub-atom has one space-point, how it is called with numerable, innumerable and infinite space-points? Matter as a cluster has numerable, innumerable and infinite sub-atoms depending on is size and is therefore is said to have similar number of space-points.
Q.V.10.6 A.V.10.6
Which knowledge type cognizes infinite number? Infinite number can be cognized by omniscience.
Q.V.10.7 A.V.10.7
Which energy is present in one sub-atom? Fusion and fission is present in one sub-atom.