VFk% Meaning
Jyotisk n m ca T; kørf"k; ka dh mRd"V&fLFkfr , d iY; ki e Is də vf/kd ga of the Stellar devas also.
Q.IV.40.1 A.IV.40.1
What is the maximum lifespan of stellar celestial beings? It is slightly more than one pit-measured-period.
Q.IV.40.2 A.IV.40.2
How many types of stellar celestial beings are there? The stellar celestial beings have five sub classes namely: sun (S rya), The stellar celestial beings moon (Candra), planets (Graha), constellations (Nakşatra) and scattered stars (Prak narka).
Q.IV.40.3 A.IV.40.3
What is the duration of existence of moon? It is one pit-measured-period plus one hundred thousand years. It is one pit-measur
Q.IV.40.4 A.IV.40.4
What is the duration of existence of sun? It is one pit-measured-period plus one hundred thousand years.
Q.IV.40.5 A.IV.40.5
What is the duration of existence of planet Jupiter (guru)? It is one pit-measured-period.
What is the duration of existence of planets Mars (Mangala), Mercury (Buddha), Saturn etc? It is half pit-measured-period.
Q.IV.40.7 A.IV.40.7
What is the maximum span of time of constellations and scattered stars? It is one quarter of pit-measured-period.
rn"VHkkxks i jk IV.41 Tadastabh go apar
VFk% Meaning:
T;kfrf"k; ka dh t?kU; &fLFkfr mudh mRd"V&fLFkfr dk vkBok&Hkkx gå The minimum is one-eighth of it.
Q.IV.41.1 A.IV.41.1
What is the minimum lifespan of stellar celestial beings? It is one eighth of their maximum lifespan.
ykddkfUrdkuke"VkS I kxjki ekf.k lokke- IV.42 Lauk ntik n maştau s garopam ni sarves m
VFk% Meaning:
Ic ykkford&noka dh fLFkfr vkB&I kxjki e ga Eight ocean-measured-periods for all terminal-gods (Laukantikas).
Q.IV.42.1 A.IV.42.1 Q.IV.42.2
What is the duration of existence of terminal-gods? It is (both minimum and maximum) eight s garopama. What is the colouration of terminal-deities?