It is the self conceit arising out of the passion of pride.
What is the cause of the decrease in motion in the gods of higher locations? The celestial beings in the higher grades have more power for motion than the lower one but they do not use it e.g. the gods can go up to the seventh earth of the infernal region but they do not use it.
How is it that the empyreans have smaller stature than that of lower beings? The height keeps on decreasing from the first heaven as we keep going up to 16h and beyond. The heights of gods in the 1st and 2nd heaven is seven cubits (h tha), in the 3 and 4" is six cubits, in the 5" to 6" is five cubits, in 9th to 12t is four cubits, in the 13th and 14h is three and half cubits, in 15th and 16h is three cubits, in lower Graiveyka is two and half cubits, in the middle Graiveyaka is two cubits and in the upper Graiveyaka is one and half cubit and in the rest above is one cubit only.
Q.IV.21.9 A.IV.21.9
How the heavenly beings in the higher locations have less attachment? The number and size of the abodes in the higher grades of heavens keep on decreasing and so the attachment also keeps on decreasing.
Q.IV.21.10 A.IV.21.10
How the heavenly beings in the higher grades have less pride? Life span, motion and power are the causes of pride. Since the gods in the higher grades have lesser passions, so the pride also keeps on decreasing as we go higher.
i hr&i ne&' koy&ys;k f}&f=&'kškškq IV.22
P ta-padma- ukla-leśyā dvitriseșeșu nk} rhu] dYi &; kyla es va "Kikea de Is i hr] ine vkg
koy&ys; kokys n gå In two, three and rest (subclasses of empyreans), the thoughtcolourations are yellow, pink and white respectively.
Q.IV.22.1 A.IV.22.1
Which types of thought-colourations are there in the gods? In the first two pairs of kalpas, the thought colouration is yellow; in the In the first two next two pairs of kalpas it is pink while the thought-coloration is white in the rest.
Q.IV.22.2 A.IV.22.2
Which thought-colourations are there in Saudharma and They have yellow thought-colouration.
i na gods?
Q.IV.22.3 A.IV.22.3 Q.IV.22.4
Which thought-colourations are there in S natkum ra-M hendra gods? They have yellow and pink thought-colourations. Which thought-colourations are there in Brhma and BỊhmottara and L ntava-Kāpistha gods? They have pink thought-colouration.