Q.III.38.2 A.III.38.2
What is the average lifespan of people in the region of enjoyment? The average lifespan of human beings in the regions of enjoyment is one pit-measured-period but the lives of people vary between the maximum and minimum periods.
Q.III.38.3 A.III.38.3
How many different categories of pit-measured-periods are there? pit-measured-period is of three types namely: vyavah ra, uddh ra and addh.
Q.III.38.4 A.III.38.4
What is meant by vyavah ra palya?
The first pit-measure is called vyavah ra palya as it the basis for the usage of the other two pit-measured-periods. There is nothing which is measured by this.
Q.III.38.5 A.III.38.5
What is meant by uddh ra palya? Continents and oceans are measured by drawing out the bits of wool and this is called uddh ra palya.
Q.III.38.6 A.III.38.6
What is meant by addh palya? It is used to measure the duration and state of the lifespan, body and karma in the four realms namely human, sub-human, hell and heaven is measured by addh palya. Literal meaning of it is duration of time.
Q.III.38.7 A.III.38.7
What is meant by vyavah ra palyopama? One large pit with an extant of one yojana (one yojana long, one yojana broad and one yojana deep) is dug out. It is filled with the smallest bits of hair of a lamb, one to seven days old. This is called vyavah ra palya. The time elapsed in emptying this pit by taking by taking one bit of hair out every hundred years is called pit-measured-periods (vyavah ra palyopama).
Q.III.38.8 A.III.38.8
What is meant by uddh ra palya and uddh ra palyopama? One large pit with an extant of one yojana (one yojana long, one yojana broad and one yojana deep) is dug out. The smallest bit of hair of a lamb, one to seven days old, is again cut into smallest pieces equal to timeinstants in innumerable crores of years. Such bits are then filled in the pit. This is called uddh ra palya. The time taken to empty this pit by taking one by one the smallest bit of hair from this pit every time-instant is called uddh ra palyopama.
Q.III.38.9 A.III.38.9
What is meant by uddh ra s gara? 10 * 10'4 (ten kot -kot ) uddh ra palya is one uddh ra s gara.
Q.III.38.10 A.III.38.10
How many continents and oceans are there? There are as many continents and oceans as there are bits of hair in 25*10'4uddh ra palya.
Q.III.38.11 A.III.38.11
What is meant by addh palya and addh palyopama? The hair bits acquired from uddh ra palya cut into even smaller bit of the size equal to time instants in hundred years are filled in the pit of one yojana extant; this is called addh palya. The time taken to empty this