Q.III.36.94 A.III.36.94
What is meant by civilized persons with family-lineage (j ti- rya)? The human beings born in families like Ikşv ku, S rya, Soma, Kuru, Hari, N tha, and Ugra etc are called civilized persons with familylineage (j ti- rya).
Q.III.36.95 A.III.36.95
Who are called civilized persons with place-lineage (ksetra- rya)? The persons born in auspicious places like Kashi, Kaushal etc are called civilized persons with place-lineage (kşetra- rya).
Q.III.36.96 A.III.36.96
How many types of barbarians (mlecha) are there? They are of two types namely: from Antaradv pa and from Karmabh mi.
Q.III.36.97 A.III.36.97
Who are the barbarians from Karmabh mi? These are the human beings from areas like Pulinda, abara, Yavana, aka, Khasa, Barbara etc of Karmabh mi (area/region of labour).
Q.III.36.98 A.III.36.98
Who are called inhabitants of Antaradv pa? The hinter region between Lavana Ocean and Himay na and Vijay rdha Mountains is called Antaradv pa. Those born in this region are called Antaradv paja.
Q.III.36.99 A.III.36.99
What is the characteristic of the inhabitants of Antaradv pa? This area is called inauspicious and therefore the human beings born from this area are considered to be inauspicious also.
Hkj rýkorfongk% de Hkve; ks U; = nodq Ükj d#H; % III.37 Bharatair vatavideh h karmabh mayo anyatradevakur ttarakurubhyah
‘nod# Vk “mùkj d#'ds fl ok] Hkjr] jkor vkg fong & ;s IC
deHkife; ki ga Bharata, Air vata, and Videha excluding Devakuru and Uttarakuru, are the regions of labour.
Q.III.37.1 A.III.37.1
Which are the regions of labour (Karmabh mi)? Bharata, Air vata and Videha except Uttarakuru and Devakuru are the regions of labour i.e. where spiritual effort is possible also.
Q.III.37.2 A.III.37.2
What is meant by regions of labour? The region where the inhabitants engage themselves in the six activities / occupations are called region of labour.
Q.III.37.3 A.III.37.3
How did the region of labour get its name? The inhabitants in this region only can perform the six occupations for worldly activities as well as perform severe austerities even to attain liberation (moksa). Because of this the region is called region of labour.