What is meant by extraordinary power to heal by panacea (sarvausadhirddhi)? It is the extraordinary power of the air which touches the body of an ascetic which cures a patient when it comes in contact with the body of the patient.
What is meant by extraordinary power to heal by removing poison (drstivişa-rddhi)? It is the extraordinary power of an ascetic's sight which neutralizes the poison (inflicted by a snake or other poisonous creatures) in the body of the patient.
What is meant by extraordinary power to heal by poison antidote (vişan ana-rddhi)? It is the extraordinary power of an ascetic which makes the poison (given to him in food) to him as inactive.
Q.III.36.71 A.III.36.71
How many types of occult power to change food (rasa-rddhi) are there? It is the extraordinary power by which an ascetic can change any type of un-palatable food into palatable food. It is of six types namely: change food in the palm (payastray -rddhi), change dry to buttered food (ghrastrav -rddhi), creating sweets (mișt strav -rddhi), creating food with nectar (amstastrav -rddhi), removing poison from a poisonous bite (āsyavişa-rddhi) and poisonous (drstivişa-rddhi).
What is meant by extraordinary power to change food in the palm (payastrav -rddhi)? It is the extraordinary power of an ascetic which makes the dry and tasteless food in his palm as tasty and smooth.
What is meant by extraordinary power to change dry to buttered food (ghrastrav -rddhi)? It is the extraordinary power of an ascetic which makes the entire dry (without butter) and tasteless food in the kitchen of the householder serving food to the acetic as tasty and with butter.
What is the meant by extraordinary power to create sweets (mist strav - rddhi)? It is the extraordinary power of an ascetic which produces sweets in the kitchen (without sweets) where he takes food.
What is the meant by extraordinary power to create with nectar (amstastrav -rddhi)? It is the extraordinary power of an ascetic, which makes the dry and tasteless food in the kitchen where he is taking food, as nectar.
What is meant by extraordinary power to remove poison from a poisonous bite (āsyavişa-rddhi)? It is the extraordinary power of an ascetic which makes poison produced by a bite of a poisonous being as inactive.