What is meant by extraordinary prognostically intellect (ast mgamah nimittajña-rddhi)? This is the extraordinary intellect by which its owner can predict a likely event by observing stars, signs, sounds of birds and animals, drams etc.
What is meant by extraordinary self developed intellect (pratyekabuddharddhi)? It is the capability which enables its owner to observe self restraint to perform austerities and hence knowledge without any external help/ assistance.
Q.III.36.23 A.III.36.23
What is meant by extraordinary intellect of debating (vādirddhi)? This is the capability to defeat others in debates.
Q.III.36.24 A.III.36.24
What is meant by extraordinary sagacity (prajñ ramanarddhi)? To understand the meaning, differences and concept of the various entities without studying the scriptures is called extraordinary sagacity
Q.III.36.25 A.III.36.25
How many subtypes of extraordinary activity (kriyārddhi) are there? It has two primary and ten secondary subtypes. The primary subtypes are called extraordinary capability to move in the sky (c ranarddhi) and extraordinary power to walk above the land (ākāśagāminirddhi).
How many types of extraordinary capability to move in the sky (c ranarddhi) are there? Crana means experts who have attained high standards in right conduct, self restraint and abstinence from sinful activities. The extraordinary capability to move in the sky (without causing obstructions or hurt others) is called c ranarddhi. It is of nine types namely: the extraordinary powers to walk above water (jalac rana), walk over earth
jamgh carana), walk over flowers (puspa), walk over fruits (fala), walking over leaves (patra), walking over mountain peaks ( reni), walking over creepers and spider webs (tantu), and walking over flames of fire (agni ikh ).
How many types of extraordinary power to move in the sky (ākāśagāminirddhi) are there? The difference between this and c ranarddhi is the lack of consideration in relation to creating obstacles or hurt other living beings. Also in ākāśagāminirddhi, emphasis is on the meditation activity and moving in the space in that state undisturbed. It is of two types namely: lotusposture (padm sana) and relaxation (k yotsarga) extraordinary powers.
What is meant by extraordinary power to walk above the water (jalac rana)? It is the extraordinary power by which its owner walks over earth and water at same ease.