Q.III.27.22 A.III.27.22
What kinds of living beings do not exist in regions of enjoyment? The hermaphroditic or neutral gender beings and deficient living beings do not exist in the regions of enjoyment.
rkH; keijk Hke; ks ofLFkrk% III.28 T bhy mapar bh mayo avasthit h
VFk% Meaning:
“Hkj r' vkg , jkor’ds fl ok 'k5k&Hkfie ; kj “voflfkr’ gå The regions other than these two are stable.
What is the nature of other (other than Bharata and Air vata) regions (bh miy )? They are forever of the same state or condition, i.e. the time remains same and does not change in time cycles.
Q.III.28.2 A.III.28.2
Does time change in cycles there? Never, it stays the same i.e. unchanged.
Q.III.28.3 A.III.28.3
Which are such stable regions? These regions are Haimavat, Harivarsa and Devakuru.
,d&f}&f=&i Y; ki efLFkr; ks geord&gkfjo"ka&nbdj odk% III.29 Eka-dvi-tri-palyopamasthitayo haimavataka-h rivarsaka- daivakuravak h
geor] gfjo"kļ vij nod# es vk; q fLFkfr Øe is, d) nks vkg rhu “i Y; ki egA The human beings in Haimavata, Hari and Devakuru are of one, two and three palyas respectively.
What is the life span of human beings in these (Haimavat, Harivarşa and Devakuru) regions? The life span of inhabitants of Haimavat, Harivarsa and Devakuru beings is one, two and three palyopama.
Q.III.29.2 A.MI.29.2
What are the regions of the south? These are Haimavat, Harivarșa and Devakuru regions.
Q.III.29.3 A.III.29.3
What are the peculiarities of inhabitants of the Haimavat region? The five Haimavat regions of two and a half continents (Dh i-dv pa), in which inhabitants live, have the happy-misery period (3rd time period) always. There the inhabitants have a life span of one palya, the height of their body is 2000 bows, they take food once on alternate days, and they have bodies are of blue colour (like blue lotus).