What are the attributes that increase or decrease in Bharata and Air vata regions? The life span, experience, body size increase and decrease according to the time cycles in Bharata and Air vata regions.
Q.III.27.3 A.III.27.3
What is meant by life span, experience and size? Experience of misery's and pleasures is called experience. Duration of the life span is called life span. The height of the body is called size.
Q.III.27.4 A.III.27.4
What is the efficient cause of this increase and decrease? Time i.e. increasing and decreasing time epochs are the efficient cause of this increase and decrease.
Q.III.27.5 A.III.27.5
What is meant by increasing and decreasing time epochs? The time period during which experience and life span increase is called utsarpin k la, and the time period thee attributes decrease is called avasarpin k la.
Q.III.27.6 A.III.27.6
What are the subdivisions of avasarpin k la? It has six subdivisions: happy-happy (suşam - suşam ), happy (suşam ), happy-misery (suşam -duşam), misery-happy (duşam -suşam ), misery (dusam ), misery-misery (duşam - dusam ).
Q.III.27.7 A.III.27.7
What are the subdivisions of utsarpin k la? It has six subdivisions namely misery-misery (duşam -duşam ), misery (duşam ), misery-happy (duşam -suşam ), happy-misery (suşam - dusam ), happy (suşam ), happy-happy (suşam -suşam ).
Q.III.27.8 A.III.27.8
What is the duration of increasing and decreasing epochs? Both time epochs are of 10'oean-measured duration (kot -kotardhas gara)
Q.III.27.9 A.III.27.9
What is meant by kalpak la? The time duration of one ascending and one decending time epoch is called kalpak la.
What is the time duration of each time period of increasing and decreasing time epochs? It is as follows:
Time period Happy-happy (suşam -suşam )
Happy (susam ) Happy-misery (suşam -dusam ) Misery-happy (dusam -susam )
Time duration 4*1014 half ocean -measured (kot -kot - ardhas gara) 3 * 1014 half ocean-measured 2 * 1014 half ocean-measured 42000 years less than 1 * 1014 half ocean -measured 21000 years 21000 years
Misery (duşam ) Misery-misery (duşam -dusam )