Q.III. 14.2
A.III. 14.2
Which lakes are there at the tops of the Himav n, Mah himav n, and Nişadha mountains respectively? The lakes on tops of the Himavān, Mahāhimavān, and Nişadha The lakes on top mountains are Padma, Mah padma and Tigimcha respectively.
Q.III.14.3 A.III.14.3
Which lakes are there on tops of the N la, Rukmi and ikhari mountains? The lakes on the summits of N la, Rukm and ikhar mountains are Kesari, Mah pundar ka and Pundar ka respectively.
i Fkeks; kst u&I glk; kelrn) &fo"dEHkks ân% III.15 Prathamo yojana-sahasr y mastadardha-viskambho hradah
VFk% Meaning:
igyk rkykc , d gtkj ; kstu yEck vkg bl I s vk/kk pkk gA The first lake is 1,000 yojanas in length and half of it in breadth.
Q.III.15.1 A.III.15.1
What is the length and breadth of the first lake? The expanse of the first lake is 1000 yojanas in length (east to west) and 500 yojanas in width (north to south).
Q.III.15.2 A.III.15.2
What is a yojana? One yojana is 68000 fingers long, or approximately 9.09 miles / 14.5 kilometers.
Q.III.15.3 A.III.15.3
What is the meaning of hrda in the aphorism? It means a large lake.
n'k;kst ukoxkg% II.16 Da ayojan vag hah
mDr i Fke rkykc dh xgj kbZ nl ;kst u gå Its depth is ten yojanas.
Q.III.16.1 A.III.16.1
What is the depth of the first lake? The depth of the first lake is 10 yojana.
Q.III.16.2 A.III.16.2
What is meant by avag ha in the aphorism? It means the depth.
Q.III.16.3 A.III.16.3
Where has the word padma been used earlier? It has been borrowed from aphorism number 14.