Bh ma, Durlabhar ja, Kum rap la and other rulers of Solamk dynasty and empire established by M lar ja showed exemplary and affectionate feelings towards Jainism and contributed to its existence and progress. Their contributions would always be remembered in the history of Jainism.
M lar ja anointed his son C mumdar ja as his heir immediately after he completed his education and got him involved in administrative affairs under his supervision and made him an expert therein. In the end he anointed C mumdar ja as ruler and relieved himself from royal duties.
In the end, after seeing the growth of leprosy in the rear part of his feet, he developed detachment from worldly affairs. He accepted mental renunciation and started observing fasting. He died practicing pious death rituals.
In this way founder of the grand Anhillapura P a a empire, emperor M lar ja after establishing a long term dynasty and making Gujarat prosperous and powerful died at the age of 55 in Vikram 1053.