After K a-II and during 912-945 AD, six R rak a dynasty rulers, namely Govinda-IV, Indra, Govinda, Suvar a var a Vallabha, Amoghavar a and Kho iga ruled. All these rulers ruled for very short periods only.
The second half of 9th century AD was the period of struggle between Pallavas and P dyas in south. In 880 AD, heir of rm dar vallabha, P dya ruler Varagu avarmana-II and Pallava ruler N patumgavarmana's son Apar j ta fought a destructive war in Pudmaviyama near Kumbhako ama. Col King ditya-I and Gamga ruler P thavipati-I also fought this war supporting Pallava ruler Apar jita respectively. Even though Pathavipati-I died in this war, yet P dya ruler Varagu avarmana-II was badly defeated. Later on Col King
ditya-I invaded Pallava ruler Apar j ta also and defeated him in the war at Tauda mamdama. ditya-I in one forceful stroke ended Apar jita's life also. With this victory almost the entire C lukya Empire came under the rule of Col kingdom. ditya-I then established his rule on Kaumg De a also and succeeded in establishing powerful Col rule again.
In 907 AD, after ditya-I, his son Par mtaka sat on Col Empire's throne. The name of another son of ditya-I was Kannaradeva who was the grandson of R rak a dynasty king K a-II also. Angry at his grandson not being crowned, he attacked the Col Empire with the help of B o and Vaidumba rulers. In this war Par mtaka won but the animosity between the three ruling dynasties proved dangerous for Par mtaka. As a result, R rak a dynasty attacked Par mtaka and Gamgar ja Batuga killed Par mtaka's elder son Raj ditya.
Rise of the ruling power of a new Solamk in Gujarat
In the last part of Vikram 10th century or approximately Vikram 998 (941-942AD or V.N. 1468), a new ruling power Solamk (C lukya) arose which ruled Gujarat for approximately 300 years alongwith large parcels of land nearby on it borders from time to time. During their rule of approximately 300 years, Gujarat prospered in economic, political, social, literary and cultural and all other aspects. The first and the founder ruler of this Solamk dynasty was M lar ja Solamk.
In the first quarter of 10th century AD, when the last ruler S manta Simha of Vanar ja's (the founder of C potka a dynasty) lineage was sitting on